Ratusan orang memadati Auditorium Wiyata Mandala di lantai 9 gedung PPG Unesa, Kampus Lidah Wetan. Mereka sedang mengikuti 2nd International Conference Sang Guru. Kegiatan tersebut diselenggarakan Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Surabaya (FBS Unesa)pada Jumat (06/09) dengan mengusung tema "The praise for and critism of teaching and education, linguistics, and literature in the modern era". Kegiatan ini berlangsung tanggal 6-7 September 2013, namun pembukaan sudah dimulai pada 05 September. Pembukaan tersebut dibuka oleh Rektor Unesa dan dilanjutkan makan malam bersama para pakar dan peserta yang berasal dari 5 negara. Para pakar berasal dari berbagai negara di antaranya, Jonnie Hill (Relo USA), Susanto (Unesa), Inaba Midori (Aichi Education University Japan), Alan Dench (University of Western Australia), Budi Darma (Unesa), Chen Jing (Confucius Institute, Central China Normal University), dan Sakuma Jun'ichi (Nagoya University Japan). Inaba Midori dari Aichi Education University Japan mengemukakan, "Developing International Student's Communicative Competence through the Presentation. Linguistic competence refers to the ability to make expressions or sentences that adhere to linguistic rules. At the level of verbal expression made must excatly structure, intonation and pronunciation. At the level of writing, sentence made must comply with the rules of sentence structure, spelling, including the use of punctuation must be precise, and the selection of vocabulary should be appropriate to the context sentence". Sementara itu, Prof. Dr. Susanto, M.Pd. menjelaskan, "To this day, when meansuring the student's language learning achievements, many teachers prefer to use a test which is given at the end of a certain learning period or at the end of a learning program. Though there is nothing wrong with this practice, this end-of-learning-program assessment may be falt to be unfair for some weak, slow, unsuccessful learners since they are judged without any prior attempt by the teacher to indicate their problems and difficulties and to help solve these problems and difficulties during the teaching learning process," tutur pria yang menjadi dosen di jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris ini. Diskusi ilmiah berlangsung makin seru dengan paparan sejumlah pakar dari negara lain dan juga begawan sastra nasional dari Unesa, Prof. Budi Darma. Para peserta pun diarahkan untuk mengikuti sesi paralel. Mereka diperbolehkan memilih materi yang disampaikan oleh pemakalah yang ada di setiap ruangan tersebut. Ada tiga tema dalam kegiatan tersebut, Teaching & Education, Lingustics, dan Literature. (Rudi/Byu)