Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Profil Alumni Unesa - 117785050 ADRI NOFRIANTO

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Profil Alumni

Jenis Kelamin : L

Program Studi : S2 Pendidikan Matematika
Nomor Induk Mahasiswa : 117785050
Angkatan : 2011
No Ijasah : 2142133
Judul Skripsi : The profile of primary school students’ creativity in mathematics problem solving based on personality types and gender differences

No. Semester Status SKS
1 2011 Ganjil AKTIF 8
2 2011 Genap AKTIF 26
3 2012 Ganjil AKTIF 10
4 2012 Genap AKTIF 6
No. Semester Kode Mata Kuliah Mata Kuliah SKS
1 2011 Ganjil 783250335 Discrete Mathematics 3
2 2011 Ganjil 783250240 School Mathematics 2
3 2011 Ganjil 783250337 Abstract Algebra 3
4 2011 Genap 783250306 Analisis Real 3
5 2011 Genap 784250248 Development of Instructional Media 2
6 2011 Genap 781250332 Research Methodology 3
7 2011 Genap 783250314 Rancangan Pemb. dan Evaluasi 3
8 2011 Genap 783250331 Statistics and Probability 3
9 2011 Genap 783250341 Geometry 3
10 2011 Genap 786250345 Seminar of Math. Education 3
11 2011 Genap 783250353 Teaching Methods in Math 3
12 2011 Genap 783250336 Real Analysis 3
13 2012 Ganjil 6471 Educational Special Topics 693 2
14 2012 Ganjil 783250239 Problem Solving 2
15 2012 Ganjil 12337 Educational Classroom Climate 622 2
16 2012 Ganjil 12987 Educational Evaluation Issues 624 2
17 2012 Ganjil 6331 Educational Curricula 612 2
18 2012 Genap 784250646 Thesis 6
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