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Profil Alumni


Program Studi : S1 Sastra Inggris
Nomor Induk Mahasiswa : 02020154237
Angkatan : 2002

No. Semester Status SKS
1 2005 Ganjil AKTIF 17
2 2005 Genap AKTIF 13
3 2006 Ganjil AKTIF 2
4 2006 Genap AKTIF 20
No. Semester Kode Mata Kuliah Mata Kuliah SKS
1 2005 Ganjil 15324201 Statistika 2
2 2005 Ganjil 15324223 English Phonology 2
3 2005 Ganjil 15324229 Introduction to Literature II 2
4 2005 Ganjil 15324301 Poertry 3
5 2005 Ganjil 15324402 English Morphology & Syntax 4
6 2005 Ganjil 15324404 Prose 4
7 2005 Genap 15324214 Reading V 2
8 2005 Genap 15324222 Vocabulary 2
9 2005 Genap 15324302 Drama 3
10 2005 Genap 15324406 Literary Appreciation: Poetry 4
11 2005 Genap 15414208 Literary Criticism 2
12 2006 Ganjil 15324227 Seminar Kebahasaan/Kesastraan 2
13 2006 Genap 15324202 Listening I 2
14 2006 Genap 15324206 Speaking I 2
15 2006 Genap 15324221 Structure III 2
16 2006 Genap 15324226 Pranata Masyarakat Amerika 2
17 2006 Genap 15324228 Introduction to Literature I 2
18 2006 Genap 15324401 Introduction to Linguistics 4
19 2006 Genap 15414210 Creative Writing 2
20 2006 Genap 15414211 Theory of Literature I 2
21 2006 Genap 90320201 Aplikasi Komputer 2
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